The MET Journal

Research Reports


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Critical Analysis


Mar 4th - 2 Min Read

A Comfort Zone is Our Main Enemy!


A comfort zone comes as a result of a routine and continuous base task or something we do, at which point, we would like to keep ourselves inside of it as we tend to feel comfortable and feel a sense of peace. After all, its the most effective way to avoid danger, right?

For example, an employed perosn would like to work for promoting his economic status, yet by trying to do so, he usually fails to leap out of his work-home routine job, and thus this betterment of his position is uncahivable, due to his decision to remain in his job.

Not only does this impact our careers, but also many aspects of our lives, which brings us to the question, what would happen if i eventually let go of this circle, and actually start working on my life:

• You will progress as you will experiment new things
• As you will gain those experiences, you will be known as a skilled person who went through many things
• Your decision-making will become much stronger
• A chance to meet new people, and excel in new topics which they may introduce
• Broadness of your thoughts and ideas

So, all of that sounds good.. But how can you get out of this comfort zone?

• Change your routine! Maybe grab an early breakfast with friends after you have walked for a long time.
• Go take new classes and new workshops!
• Make sure to avoid fear or anxiety
• Listen to podcasts!

Basically, anything with which is not commonly part of your day, seize it! After all, you will realise, the comfort zone that you once so cherished, becomes just an illusion!