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Mar 14th - 2 Min Read

Growing Smarter- Impact of AI on Agriculture


The agricultural industry has always required much human effort and supervision to accomplish the most basic tasks. However, using AI technology in the agriculture industry has the potential to transform and enhance the way farmers manage their operations, which eventually leads to more productivity and efficiency.

Precision farming, crop management, agricultural robotics, and other areas of agriculture can all benefit from AI.

Precision farming involves using AI and other technologies to manage crop production precisely. Based on data, farmers can make informed decisions about how to grow their crops. For example, farmers can decide when and how much water and fertilizer to apply using data analysis of soil moisture, temperature, and plant health data sensors. This can help farmers optimize crop yields, reduce waste, and save money.

Crop management is another area where we can improve using AI. By using machine learning algorithms to analyze data from sensors installed in the farm and satellite imagery, farmers can analyze the data and have great insights about crop growth, identify potential diseases and take the right actions in advance to reduce the risks.

Integrating AI into agricultural robotics can bring various benefits to agricultural industries. Robots can perform tasks more precisely and safely than humans, such as planting, harvesting, and crop monitoring. This greatly enhances the efficiency of farming and production. For instance, Agrobot, a strawberry-picking robot, can quickly and accurately harvest strawberry farms without damaging the crop. It can identify when and how to harvest grown strawberry.

As the world's population grows, food production needs to increase, and AI and robotics become increasingly essential. We need to produce more efficiently to meet the demand for food while preserving our land. This is where AI-powered robots can assist in developing smart farms that increase food production while minimizing environmental damage.

We can expect advanced AI-powered technologies for agriculture to be available in many countries, leading farmers to focus on creative and strategic aspects of farming rather than being consumed by labor-intensive work.