The MET Journal

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Feb 15th - 2 Min Read

Has Book Reading Become a Culture for Us Yet?


Reading books is one of those methods that have a critical impact on an individualist in promoting mental capacities in workplaces, and if we were to talk about our communities, it is very positive to say that we have plenty of good books, alongside extraordinary writers. To such an extent, that we may find benefit from their work. Promoting book reading here requires multitudes of tasks such as having open discussion sessions where writers and book readers can come together to form opinions, or  you can have more entertaining activities such as exchanging books that can allow readers to have access to new works every now and then.

All of these tasks can have plenty of good impact on promoting book reading in here, yet what I can also add is the economic and financial benefit of having podcast programs centered around book reading alongside audiobooks.

Hoping for better and more interesting steps in such a thing!