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Oct 11th - 1 Min Read

Meta and the Energy Crises


The functioning of Social Metaverse company is highly, or we can say merely,  dependent on collecting data. A procedure which consumes a large amount of electricity and a large amount of water. This matter has alerted the concerned authorities and activists in Europe. In addition, Europe has witnessed its hottest summer and this has been a further trigger on the water resources.

As a preceding solution, the EU commission has issued a draft on the data center’s environmental impacts. The commission plans  to create energy labels for the data collection centers to have a monitoring tool for their energy usage. The urge to have a better control over data collection center’s energy consumption is due to the risks brought by drought and climate changes on the EU weather.

The highlighting event in this regard goes back to last summer when the Facebook owning company wanted to build a data center in Zeewolde, a small town in the Netherlands. This attempt has been opposed immediately by Zeewolde local-environmental activists. They claimed that Facebook will purchase the green energy for less than its actual value, this was not their main concern, what was more vital for the activist was the scarcity of green energy that could appear in their town.