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Feb 17th - 1 Min Read

Cost of Turkey’s Deadliest Earthquake

By: Hozan Qaraman

Turkey experienced the most devastating earthquake,7.8 magnitude, in its last 100 years history, and it caused many injuries and nearly 50.000 people, and demolition of thousands of buildings, and houses. The earthquake hit 10 provinces in Turkey – 13.4 million people lived there that produce 10% of the state.

According to the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation,the cost of destruction is more than $84.1 billion ,$70.8 billion goes  for repairing homes, $10.4 billion for the waste of national revenue and $2.9 billion for skipping  working days.

President Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey states that the government is planning  a complete reconstruction program that would make the country stand on its feet again in a year. IMF Executive Director Mahmoud Mohieldin said the rebuilding process, which is funded by the public and private  investments will result in Turkey’s GDP growth.

However, it is  anticipated that the earthquake will result in a cut of 2% economic growth in Turkey that was predicted to end up with 5.5% growth prior to the earth tremor.

The Turkish government came up with a three-month state of emergency in the 10 provinces hit by the earthquake while local and international aid reach there and operations of discovering victims under the rubble continue.