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Mar 27th - 2 Min Read

Exploring the Advantages and Potential Health Effects of 5G Internet

By: Herish Badal

The internet has changed business, healthcare, education, government, and many ways humans communicate. The internet has a high-impact in breaking down communication barriers.We can interact with almost everyone at any instant. Moreover, we can now interact with  objects such as robots, vehicles, smart houses, among others . The internet is continuously evolving to meet the demands  of a faster and more capable network. The internet has generations of different technologies aiming to provide higher speeds,  increased reliability, better availability, and more capable data transmission. Therefore, they developed a 5G internet network that many countries, including some Middle Eastern countries, are excited about and want to welcome.

5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is a new wireless communication standard after 1G,2G,3G, and 4G networks. 5G was developed by telecom and cellular phone companies in 2019, to connect everyone with everything virtually like never before, but it is still under process and research. South Korea, China, and the United States are the countries that lead the world in building and deploying 5G technology. While 5G is still under further development, 6G internet is being researched simultaneously.

5G uses high-frequency radio waves called Millimeter Waves that have a shorter range than the frequencies used by typical cell phone towers. This new technology cannot use a single tower inside a cell( a cell is a geographical area covered by a single internet tower ). Instead, it uses microcells with many smaller antennae inside them in neighborhoods. 5G signals may encounter challenges in penetrating buildings and covering large areas because it uses high-frequency waves. Thus, to be available to all users, it needs to have many antennas in the neighborhood.

Speed makes 5G different from other internet generations.5G wireless technology is designed to deliver peak data up to 20 Gbs based on IMT-2020 requirements. This means that 5G is almost 20 times faster than 4G LTE, which will transform so many areas of life. For instance, 5G will be essential in education, autonomous vehicle technology, healthcare, revolutionizing farming, smart houses, and IoT. 5G availability in hospitals and medical offices worldwide could transform healthcare enormously. Doctors and health specialists can quickly transmit large imaging files to each other so patients can get results and reviews quicker. Moreover, they do surgeries remotely from their offices regardless of the patient's location. For Instance, China has already completed the first 5G remote surgery in a test on animals.

Having these antennas transmitting high-frequency waves all around, which create electromagnetic radiation, has made people concerned about health risks. For instance, in 2020, almost 80 mobile towers were burned in the UK due to coronavirus conspiracies. Many people think 5G might cause health issues in the future, but according to the WHO, "To date, and after much research performed, no adverse health effects have been casually linked with exposure to wireless technologies. So far, only a few studies have been carried out at the frequencies to be used by 5G." We should not be worried about 5G, but we would have to wait long enough to see the consequences of 5G. According to WHO, "There is less penetration into the body tissues, and absorption of the energy becomes more confined to the surface of the body (skin and eye). Provided that the overall exposure remains below international guidelines, no consequences for public health are anticipated." WHO and International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC) have mentioned that radiofrequency radiation is possibly carcinogenic. This study shows adverse health risks of 5G on human health, So should you still be worried about 5G? That depends on how much you trust WHO and other organizations that study such matters.

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, including Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, have been the forerunner in rolling out 5G networks in the Middle East region during 2019. While Oman, Lebanon, Egypt, and Turkey aim to adopt and implement 5G network service in the near future. Iraq has recently permitted telecommunication companies to provide 4G LTE service after being scrutinized for several years due to political and economic challenges, the Kurdish region on the other hand, has been able to provide 4G LTE and 4.5 G LTE, primarily through services offered by Fastlink, Korek, and other internet service providers.