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Sep 20th - 1 Min Read

Is Putin Willing to End War with Ukraine?

By: SeyedehZhina

Last week after Erdogan, the Turkish president, met with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, in a summit held in Uzbekistan .Erdogan claims that, from his discussion with Putin, he Figured that Putin wants to put an end to the war with Ukraine. Withdrawal of Russian troops from most of Ukrainian territories shows that Russia faces conflicts, thus Putin’s government seeks to resolve the conflict diplomatically.

It is noteworthy to point out Russia and Turkey have had a proxy war in regards to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan- with Turkey supporting Azerbaijan and Russia having mutual interests with Armenia. Putin’s stance toward Ukraine’s war and its implications for regional and international community is of high interest to the Turkish authorities.

Considering what Erdogan had formerly stated regarding the Ukraine war, it can be argued that Turkey tries to have a promising role in the region. Last month Erdogan said that the Ukraine war will not end anytime soon, especially after the “provocations”  and the sanctions imposed on Russia by the West.

As a NATO member, Turkey tries to show the international community that they condemn Russia’s aggression on Ukraine. On the other hand, Turkey does not approve West's provocation towards Russia.