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Oct 4th - 1 Min Read

North Korea’s Proxy Attack on Tokyo

By: SeyedehZhina

Earlier today, North Korea launched a suspected missile over Japan after five years. As it has been reported, the ballistic missile flied for over 4,500km and fell down in the Pacific ocean, close to Guam Island which is considered as U.S. territory. This ballistic “testing”, as North Korea claims it to be, is highly provocative since the United Nations has forbidden North Korea from testing missiles and nuclear weapons. In addition to that, countries avoid such trials since it can be misunderstood as an attack and violate international conventions.

As the Asahi Shimbun reports, the Japanese have woken up to alert sirens and warning texts in regard to the flying missile over their country, people were asked to keep their serenity and stay in the buildings or undergrounds if possible. The records show that the missile traveled the longest and the highest. It has even reached higher than the International Space Station, but thankfully has fallen far from Japan with no injuries.

It is believed that this morning’s missile was an exhibit of North Korea’s power since the supreme leader of this country has taken the alliance of US, Japan and South Korea as a threat to his national security. This tension has been even more triggered as these three allies have strengthened their defenses.

This event has been analyzed as a preemptive act and some experts believe that North Korea’s next move depends on China and the decisions that will be made in China's communist party congress this month.