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Sep 27th - 1 Min Read

Russia Mobilizes More Troops

By: SeyedehZhina

Despite all the dialogue held by the international community with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, a new attempt for massive mobilization of Russian troops was witnessed. This mobilization was reported to be consisting of three thousand fresh vigour and tireless soldiers. The purpose of this new armament is allegedly to retreat the recent losses of the Russian army, especially in the Kharkiv region. Beside international reactions to this news, Russians have also protested against the escalation of the conflict and the conscription policy, which is used to strengthen the Russian army.

After almost one week, Russian authorities admitted that the new troop mobilization had groundless decisions involved. Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Sergeyevich Peskov, elaborated that to form these newly mobilized troops, the authorities have made mistakes to call up inexperienced, old and unhealthy individuals.This decision has further inflamed the regional situation.Russian citizens have even tried to flee the country, leading to the breakout of several protests.

Conscription policy has been debated for many years. Iran and Turkey are examples of two countries that impose this policy on their citizens. Opponents of this policy argue that youngsters cannot be forced by governments to serve in the military and risk their lives. On the other hand, some others argue that every citizen should be given the privilege to serve in the national army for the greater good of their country.