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Apr 11th - 3 Min Read

The Rise of IoT: A Look at the Interconnected Future

By: Herish Badal

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a system of interconnected objects-"things," digital and physical machines, animals, humans, software, sensors, and other technologies to exchange data with each other and with other systems over the Internet. Each object-"thing" has unique identifiers (UIDs) and can transfer data to the internet network with minimal human-to-human or human-to-computer intervention. A thing can be a human heart monitor implant, a self-driving vehicle, a smart house roof that can tell the weather conditions, a drone that flies over a farm and gives the farmer feedback about the farm, etc.

Over the past few years, IoT has become one of the very important technologies in the 21st century- According to the latest available data, there are approximately 13.15 billion connected IoT devices worldwide. In residential and industrial sectors, the IoT is increasingly growing by adapting linked devices such as smart thermostats, Bluetooth speakers, ring bells, lighting, etc. The global Internet of Things (IoT) market size was valued at USD 813.29 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 2,483.25 billion by 2023.

How IoT works

IoT works by connecting physical devices and objects to the Internet and enabling them to communicate with each other and other systems. In other words, IoT is to make everyday objects "smart" by embedding sensors, processors, and internet connectivity, so that they can receive data from their environment and exchange it.

Applications of IoT

IoT plays an essential role in many applications in our daily life, such as healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, smart homes, transportation, energy management, etc. For instance, IoT has much potential to revolutionize agriculture through precision farming. Farmers can make a more informed decision based on real-time data about all environmental conditions from sensors installed on the farm; This data can help farmers to optimize their irrigation, fertilization, and other practices to improve crop yields and reduce waste.

Security risks associated with IoT

Despite the many advantages of IoT applications, there is a massive risk of IoT botnets through IoT devices and networks. IoT botnet is when a collection of internet-connected devices fall under the control of cybercrime and is used for malicious purposes. For example, the car manufacturer Toyota temporarily shut down production at 14 plants in Japan at the beginning of 2022 due to cyber-attacks. Moreover, In April of the same year, Ukriane's power grid was targeted.

Soon, IoT will become more pervasive and transform many areas of our lives. However, it is crucial to address its security and privacy issues and protect our data from malicious purposes of cyber criminals. Overall, It is exciting to see how technology develops in the upcoming years.