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Apr 28th - 2 Min Read

Ways to Study Effectively

By: Ayat Abdulhameed

As final exams are around the corner, it is essential to understand studying techniques and methods that can help you study better and more efficiently. Studying is not necessarily boring or tiring. If you know what works best for you and what time of the day you are most active, studying might actually become a tolerable process. The first step is preparing yourself mentally by fixing your sleeping schedule, meditating to decrease anxiety, eating healthy, and being active. Healthy food and drinks include berries, dark chocolate, nuts, eggs, fish, vegetables, green tea, and fruit juices. In addition, according to Wiliam Wadsworth, the Cambridge-educated memory psychologist & study coach, these are some strategies that will help students study most effectively:

- Studying map: organize your studying subjects and materials. Have a list of topics and subtopics you must study first and are most expected from you, and schedule your time according to them.

- Check questions first: start by looking at real exam questions for the topics you are studying, then when you go back to studying, you will have a much deeper sense of what you need to know the most. Remember, testing is the learning itself.

- Studying routine: set a study routine by planning your day. Make sure you know what times work best for you and are active. Don't follow anyone's routine, as you know when your energy levels are highest. Make sure your routine is realistic. It includes breaks and me time.

- Be a teacher: instead of pushing what you studied, pull it out, act like you are the teacher now, and explain it to your imaginary student in a way they will understand the best.

- Flashcards: flashcards can be a great way to study. Have a clear question on the front and a clear answer on the back but don't put too much information. And test yourself with them from time to time to make sure you remember everything you studied.

There are also some methods and techniques that are very beneficial and make studying much more fun:

- The Pomodoro Technique: Pomodoro technique is a time management method based on 25 minutes of focused studying broken by five-minute breaks. After four consecutive studying gaps, you take longer breaks, typically 15 to 30 minutes. This technique is great for studying for long periods without getting bored or tired. You can also use some apps to use this technique.

- SQ3R Technique: the acronym for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review, which helps in effective studying. First, start with going through the subject's content, then create questions from the subject, then start studying to understand the subject, and finally, recite what you studied and review the answers to the question. Through this sequence, the students are expected to increase their understanding of the text by engaging in the reading process, both before, during, and after, intentionally.

Make sure to take it easy and relax. Keep positive energy. You will do great!