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Apr 13th - 2 Min Read

Laziness: Is it Physical or Psychological?


You may feel guilty for being lazy and people may judge you for postponing and being a couch potato, but what is laziness? And what are the reasons behind it? Is it actually a personal choice or a combination of biological and psychological reasons?

Laziness or indolence is the unwillingness to act or make an effort despite having the ability or ply oneself. According to this definition, a student who can't get their work done because of attention disorder would not meet his definition of lazy but a student who has the full ability and still chooses not to do it meets this definition. In psychology, laziness may reflect a lack of self-esteem, and positive recognition by others, a lack of discipline from low self-confidence, or a lack of interest in an activity or faith in its efficacy. Psychological causes of laziness might include:

- Over-stimulation: over-stimulation causes an increase in dopamine which, over time, neurotransmitters won't be released over productive actions, this is why platforms with short entertaining videos like TikTok can be dangerous in the long run.  

- Procrastination: procrastinating can make the task look harder and harder and cause fear of startin,, which leads to laziness. 

- Staying in your comfort zone: comfort zone might be the main reason for laziness. It makes you comfortable with your current situation and life and prevents you from challenging and developing yourself. 

- Having too many things to do or too many options: when tasks are accumulated, you are most likely to be stressed and overwhelmed, and in order to discard that feeling, you will end up avoiding them.

To prevent that, it is important to set priorities and finish tasks on time.It can also have other factors, such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

As for physical reasons, it can be due to tiredness caused by medical conditions, such as

- Anemia

- Hypothyroidism

- Chronic fatigue

- Diabetes

- Sleep Apnoea

- Fibromyalgia

- Thyroid deficiency

 - Vitamin Deficiencies

If you feel guilty for being lazy or blame someone for being lazy, remember there are many reasons behind it. Find the motive to look for the reasons and work on it, only then you will be able to achieve your full potential.